A somewhat eclectic overview of the things that interest, inspire and entertain me.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Schools Out

Summer school has very nearly ended and it wasn't half as painful as it could have been. This is largely because the kids were great and the student 'squad leaders' incredibly competent and very, very helpful.

We spent today making and installing a final, performance based piece - a human rag tree of sorts. I was impressed with the commitment shown by everyone to this quite challenging piece - both practically and conceptually.
The work had several components:
  • Design and make a collection of blank 'tags' for people to write on
  • Find people around the institution, ask them 'what's important?' and make them write their responses on a tag of their choice
  • Photograph all participants wearing their customised tag
  • Print off these photos and create a human rag tree incoporating all photos and all original tags
  • Install/perform work in a location of your choice
  • Document this process

The whole thing was devised by the students and they did it wonderfully. Here are some pics.

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About Me

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Lecturing in art and design is a lovely job and I dont take it for granted. I am really interested in the quality of what we do here and firmly believe that people who study art at university level have a distinct advantage over those who dont. So I suppose my job is to prove it.